To register, jump to "". Registration costs US$ 15.00 for a single user license (check web page for multi-user licenses). Once you submit the necessary information you will be emailed a key that will unlock Shortmenus. The registration code will work with all minor revisions of Shortmenus.
Limitation of Unregistered Version
The unregistered version of Shortmenus will not display more than 3 items in each menu. The menu icon and appearance cannot be changed with unregistered versions.
About Shortmenus
'Shortmenus' is a desktop based program launcher. It looks and behaves similar to the 'Start Menu'. Shortmenus reside on the desktop and are user customisable. For further details and illustrations please visit our web site.
What's New?
1. New menu type has been added.
2. Users may select desktop icons for menus.
3. Menu Editor lets you reorder items.
4. You can add separators to better organise menus.
Bug fixes:
1. Menu speed has been improved
2. Previous Menu Editor occasionally had problems with Long File names.
3. Many keyboard and mouse problems fixed.
4. Menus occasionally loaded twice.
5. Problem with large fonts.
6. Program used to remain in memory in some cases.
Important Info for Users of Previous Version
Users of previous version must run the menu editor on the old menus before starting the menu.
The installation program is fairly simple and self-explanatory. However, in the rare occasion where you may encounter a problem, visit the web site for a known fix or email us at
Creating a New Menu
Once 'Shortmenus' has been successfully installed, right click on the windows desktop to bring up its context menu. In the context menu select 'New'/'Short Menu'. This should result in a new menu on your desktop.
Managing the Menu
Now that you have a new menu, right click on the menu to bring up its context menu. Select 'Edit Menu'. This should bring up the Menu Editor. Here you will find that there are two types of menus. The user defined list being the default type. The easiest way to add stuff to a user-defined menu is to bring up 'Explorer' along side and then drag and drop files to the 'list' in the editor window (It is also possible to Drag and Drop from the Start Menu). The second type of menu is the directory pointer. The directory pointer lists the contents of a directory in the menu. This feature was created mainly for use with the 'My Documents' or the 'Favourites' folder (It is not recommended for use with large directories).
Tip : to create shortcuts to web pages just enter the complete address for the path. To create shortcuts to an email address type for the path.
Changing the Menu Icon
Right click on the menu, in its context menu select Change Icon. This brings up a window where you should select the new icon file. [IMPORTANT: You must select a standalone icon file and not libraries or executables. Doing otherwise might corrupt the menu or crash the program or system.]
Please report any bugs or problems via e-mail: "".
1. Select the Add/Remove Programs icon from the Windows 9x Control Panel.
2. Select Shortmenus 1.0 from the list of available programs that can be uninstalled and press the Add/Remove button.
Copyright (c) 2000 Vikram Sreeram.
All rights reserved.
Shortmenus is a shareware program. This means that you may test it free of charge. You are free to distribute it to others at no cost, so they may try it. You are required to register this program as soon as you decide to keep it.